

2007-03-17 21:15:00来源:YXDOWN.COM游戏转载

Level 8 Patrick vs The Bullies

Let's get some Bonus Bubbles first. Place SpongeBob on the yellow button ("X"), then collect the Bonus Bubbles with Patrick. Now move Patrick along the red path. Once the Bully has passed, move up the blue path, wait until the Bully spots you again, and move back down the blue path. As soon as the Bully passes again, run back up and press the red button.

Now move to the steel box and push it up along the purple arrow in order to open the next set of seaweed gates. Next, coax another Bully onto the dark blue button by moving along the green path. Finally, push the green button (circled), switch back to SpongeBob, and collect the Krabby Patties.


Level 9Main Street, Mean Street

You need to get either Patrick or SpongeBob across the street, avoiding the Bullies, to collect the Krabby Patties on the other side. If you feel daring, you can also try to collect the six Bonus Bubbles (circled) along the way.


Level 10 Garden Weeds

First, push the wood box carefully along the red path and onto the purple button in order to free Patrick. Be careful that you do not step into the current yourself. Now switch to Patrick and step on the green button. Switch back to SpongeBob. You can collect ten Bonus Bubbles (two are hidden in the houses) before collecting all of the Krabby Patties.




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