

2011-10-15 16:06:39来源:游戏下载

    EXCLUSIVE: How to build a band in The Sims 3: Late Night

    How EA is making sure its all about the music in the latest Sims 3 expansion

    The Sims 3: Late Night is bursting at the seams with new content and features for your virtual you. It’s going vertical, with a city full of towering skyscrapers. It’s also going dark, adding a brand new vampire system to sink your teeth into. But it’s also going social, with more activities that you can enjoy with other Sims, like barhopping with groups of friends for a night out on the town or even starting your own band.

    It looks like Late Night is going to rock, so we were very pleased to have a chance to speak with Melanie Lam, associate producer for The Sims 3: Late Night to find out more about the new Band career in the upcoming expansion. Find out why Late Night will be all about the music - if you want it to be - and learn all the ins and outs of how the new Band career will work.

    GamesRadar: Why did the Sims team decide to add the Band career in Late Night?

    GamesRadar: 为什么模拟人生团队决定在夜店人生中添加乐队?

    Melanie Lam: Instruments are a popular and much requested feature in The Sims 3.  We had a guitar in The Sims 3 and we wanted to expand the repertoire of instruments that Sims can play.  With our Late Night scene, it was a natural choice to have live entertainment like bands performing gigs at our bars and lounges.  It offers a cool way for Sims to earn Simoleons either as a career or a side job.  Who wouldn’t want to be in a band!

    Melanie Lam:《模拟人生3》中的乐器相当受欢迎,有很多功能被玩家要求加入。我们已经在《模拟人生3》中添加了吉他这个乐器,但我们希望有更多的乐器,模拟市民可以播放自己的曲目。夜店人生中,我们可以在酒吧或俱乐部进行现场演出活动。它提供了一个很酷的赚取模拟币的途径,谁会不想在一个乐队中呢!

    GR: How do you start a band?

    GR: 你如何建一个乐队呢?

    Lam: To start a band, just learn to play an instrument to level 1 then get friendly with other Sims and use the “Ask to Form a Band” social on them.  You can ask up to three Sims to join the band.

    Lam: 要建一个乐队,只要学会演奏乐器1级然后与其他模拟市民有一定的友好度后使用“要求组建一支乐队”。你可以要求最多三个模拟市民加入乐队。

    GR: How big (or small) can your band be? Can we start a one-man band?

    GR: 你的乐队可大可小吗?能只建立一个人的乐队吗?

    Lam: The great thing is that an informal jam session can have up to eight Sims playing at a time.  If you want to be hired for paying gigs however, this requires a standard four member band. We have a new Lifetime Wish to BE a One Sim Band and to complete that goal, your Sim has to master all four instruments.  Of course, there are plenty of solo opportunities that will come up like playing for tips or teaching a music class.

    Lam: 你可以最多控制8个人同时进行演出表演。如果你想开一个音乐会,你需要一个标准的4人乐队。有一个新的终生愿望,你的模拟市民必须完成4种乐器技能最高等级。当然,在演出的时候也有很多的独奏提示或者教音乐课。

    GR: What kind of instruments will be available? Can you band play different styles of music?

    GR: 有那些新的乐器?你能设置不同的音乐风格吗?

    Lam: New instruments include the upright bass, drums, piano or keyboard.  Additionally, as a celebrity, you have a chance of receiving a new electric guitar as a free gift.  New styles like blues, jazz, and rock become available to your Sim as the band improves.

    Lam: 新的乐器有大提琴、鼓、钢琴或键盘。另外,作为一个名人,你有一个新的机会得到免费的礼物电吉他。新的风格像蓝调、爵士乐和摇滚乐能够设置你的乐队风格。

    GR: Can you tell us about the sorts of venues your band can play at? Will the band’s style of music have any effect on where you can get booked?

    GR: 你能说说你的乐队的有哪些玩法?乐队的不同音乐风格有什么效果?

    Lam: Your Sim’s band can be asked to play anywhere in town.  The local dive bar might need a replacement for a yawn-inducing pianist or perhaps there’s a halftime show at the stadium that has an open slot.  There are vampire-themed lounges or VIP rooms full of glitz and glamour.  Your band’s style of music is only limited by their skill level and as they practice and perform their way into a primetime band, they can choose to play music that suits each environment.

    Lam: 你的模拟市民的乐队可以先在城里的任何地方演出。当地的潜水酒吧有一个钢琴家需要更换或者在体育馆中场休息时有演出提示。有吸血鬼为主题的休息室或浮华魅力的贵宾室进行演出。你的乐队的音乐风格,只限于他们的技能等级和所学会的曲目,为他们选择一个黄金时段的乐队演出,可以选择播放的音乐适合于各种环境。

    GR: Does your relationship with your band members have any impact on the band itself? Will there be consequences to thoughtless ‘woohoo-ing’ with your band mates?

    R: 请问你与你的乐队成员的关系会影响到整个乐队吗?能不计后果的和你的乐队成员进行“嘿咻”呢?

    Lam: While your relationship does not affect the amount of money you earn or the gigs you get, as the leader of the band, you can ‘manage the band’ by kicking out members you no longer want.  This can have a negative effect on your relationship for sure!

    Lam: 虽然你们的关系不会影响你赚钱或音乐会,你不能管理这个乐队的成员时你可以从乐队中踢除他。这将会和你的关系有负面效果!

    GR: Can you tell us about any interesting bands made by the folks on the Sims team?

    GR: 你能介绍下这次模拟人生团队给我们带来了什么有趣的事情?

    Lam: Someone on our team made an amazing ‘Undead’ Band with Death on guitar, a vampire on drums, Simbot on keyboard and a ghost on the double bass.  Now that’s a killer band!  With bands I make, it’s all about their image. I love to give them tattoos and attire that really sell their style.

    Lam: 我们用了一个没有发表的乐队,死神弹奏吉他,吸血鬼打鼓,模拟市民弹奏键盘乐器,一个鬼魂演奏大提琴。我们对这乐队成员设置了刺青跟衣服,这个乐队独有的风格。

    GR: What’s it like being on stage? Can you tell us about some of the special stage effects?

    GR: 舞台上怎么进行演出?有没有什么特殊的效果?

    Lam: The new lighting and effects objects are really versatile and allow for a great deal of creativity.  For starters, you can build platforms of various sizes.  Most venues have stages built in ready for performances.  There are effects machines that emit bubbles or FIRE and gobo lights with different theme patterns like bats or music notes.  Some of our favorite lighting effects are the strobe light with an adjustable delay and black lights!  If you just can’t decide with all the choices, setting everything to ‘random’ creates an exciting cacophony and sensory overload!


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