

2015-01-02 12:00:29来源:游戏下载


Coordinates Location Where to find it
x:200 y:533 Bagmati Camp There's a rock in the middle of the stream to the east of the body, beneath some plants.
x:205 y:415 Ettan’s Shack Walk to the east side of Ettan's shack and check under the bed.
x:209 y:479 Army Supply Flight 2412 Northwest of the downed plane is a body behind a large boulder, coordinates x:206 y:481.
x:210 y:568 North of Danger Dashed The mask is on a riverbed, located at coordinates x:208 y:567.
x:221 y:618 Yalung’s Soul Climb and head into Yalung's Soul. There's a shrine, and the mask is on the ceiling. Blast it!
x:236 y:478 Yalung’s Skull Go all the way to the end of the cave and look for the mask on a boulder.
x:260 y:394 Army Supply Flight 2911 Jump into the lake and check near the plane wreckage.
x:267 y:552 Yakshini’s Flesh Walk to the end of the cave to find the mask on a table decorated with a red cloth.
x:269 y:496 Kalasha Ashram Check out the cave behind the tent. The mask is inside.
x:310 y:567 Rochan Delivery Wreck Walk towards the waterfall but don't go through it. The mask is on a rock.
x:311 y:482 Satish’s Sad Room Explore the upper portion of the cave to find the mask inside the furthest cell. Shoot to collect.
x:313 y:298 Yalung’s Tears This time, go through the waterfall and find the mask in the small pool of water inside.
x:320 y:361 Army Supply Flight 2707 See the plane next to the cliff. The mask is behind its wing.
x:325 y:589 Get to the house and walk to the south side. The mask is on top of some shelves.
x:356 y:440 The mask is on the boat. Check the front.
x:356 y:558 编辑:阿狸桃子 有用(0人)











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